Countdown to book launch begins NOW!
I'm in the wet-cat phase of publishing, waiting for someone to bring me a towel. We're through with the shampoo phase.
To be more precise, the novel has been typeset, or put in book form with pages, margins, size, etc. My most recent job in the process was to proofread the whole thing. That's a lot of work when you have 304 pages. I only found a few misspellings and such. My main concern was changing the aliens' wardrobe. They wore robes, not tunics. Glad to have that settled. So are they.
Next up was the full cover, front and back. It looks amazing, and I'll post it here when I get a jpeg. Unfortunately, I misspelled the title of my cancer devotional in the bio and had to have it changed. You'd think I'd know the name of my own book. Sheesh.
In other news, we've had a beautiful fall here in Erie, Colorado. I have a front-row seat from my office windows overlooking the Rocky Mountains.
And of course, it was downright freezing for Halloween. My hubby set up a table with Mad Scientist paraphernalia which the kids enjoyed.
The kitchen is done but I haven't moved in all my cooking stuff. I have, however, bought three new cookbooks to join the shelves. One has a Star Wars theme.
Contact me if you're feeling chatty. I'd love to hear from you.
Or answer this question: What does Europe not have that I hope we do?